The Effectiveness of Peer Teaching Method to Improve English Vocabulary of the Seventh Grade Junior High School Students
Vocabulary skill, language learning, peer teaching, effectiveness, English proficiencyAbstract
English vocabulary skill at the junior high school is pivotal for improving their communication skill in English classes. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the peer teaching method in improving the English vocabulary mastery of seventh grade students at junior high school, peer teaching method can make students more actively participate in learning where they will try to solve problems together by discussing, therefore, the students can learn cooperatively with respect to each other. This is quantitative experimental research used independent sampling, namely using 2 classes for the sample. The sample of this research is the seventh-grade students of a Junior High School in Sidoarjo The data collection technique used the pre-test and post-test which contained validity tests, reliability tests, pre-test and post-test control group results and experimental group, normality tests, homogeneity tests and T-test results. The results showed that the average pre-test using the peer teaching method was 43.00 and 96.00 in the post test. The significant value of this study was 0.00, the standard significance level was 0.05. Which can be said alternative hypothesis accepted and null hypothesis are rejected, it can be said peer teaching method is effective for use in teaching English vocabulary.
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