Development and Validation of Video Lessons in Science for Grade 10 Learners
Development Science Education Validation Video LessonsAbstract
The study aimed to develop and validate video lessons in Science for Grade 10 learners. The research used the Research and Development (R & D) design. Purposive sampling was used to determine the video lessons' validators, including the eighth Grade-10 Science teachers from the different public high schools in San Mariano II District. Data collection techniques comprised an eight-factor evaluation tool for radio/ETV scripts and a 5-point Likert Scale questionnaire validation tool adopted from Robles (2016). Statistical tools, such as Mean and Standard Deviation, were utilized for the data analysis. The findings showed that the developed video lessons were acceptable and applicable to a great extent regarding suitability, relevance, usability, and appropriateness. Therefore, the developed video lessons were well-received, relevant, aligned with the learning competencies, and ensured accessibility and flexibility, crucial for modern education. Further, the study recommends experimentation to test their effectiveness.
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