The Role of Purchase Intention on the Effect of Company Image, CSR, Promotion and Brand Image on Tokopedia Purchase Decisions in Surabaya and Sidoarjo




Online shopping marketing strategy requires some efforts for increasing the purchasing decision by the customers. Therefore, understanding the factors which affect such purchasing decision if important. This study explores the effects of company image, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), promotions, and brand image on purchasing decision. The data were collected from 123 respondents from the customers of Tokopedia online business in Sidoarjo and Surabaya, Indonesia. The data were analyzed using structural equation modelling techniques (SEM-PLS) using Warp-PLS., It was found that both company image and CSR significantly influence purchasing decisions, while promotions do not exhibit a significant effect. Brand image also emerged as a significant positive influences on purchasing decisions. Additionally, the study investigated the mediating role of purchase intention in these relationships. It was revealed that purchase intention partially mediated the influence of promotions and brand image on purchasing decisions but did not mediate the effects of company image and CSR. The discussion further underscores the significance of company image and CSR in shaping purchasing decisions, aligning with prior research. However, discrepancies with previous studies were acknowledged, suggesting avenues for further exploration.. Suggestions for future research include conducting studies with larger and more diverse samples, employing longitudinal designs to track evolving consumer behavior, and exploring additional variables such as pricing strategies and customer service.


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How to Cite

Saktiawan, P. D., & Harsono, S. (2024). The Role of Purchase Intention on the Effect of Company Image, CSR, Promotion and Brand Image on Tokopedia Purchase Decisions in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. Studies in Technology and Education, 3(2), 10–24.