Teachers’ Use of Assessment Methods and Kindergarten Pupils’ Learning Behavior in the New Normal


  • APOLINARIA ANDRES Cagayan State University




This study examined the kindergarten teachers' extent of use of the assessment methods and tools, the learning behavior demonstrated by the Kindergarten pupils towards the assessment system and if there exists a significant relationship between the two constructs. Descriptive-correlational design was employed and data were gathered from 209 parent and teacher respondents through a questionnaire which was floated through Google Forms in the seven (7) elementary schools in Tuguegarao City. Data were analyzed using mean and Pearson-r, and were treated using SPSS 21. The hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. It was revealed that the kindergarten assessment system is Often used in the new normal. The Kindergartens' learning behavior demonstrated in the new normal were either favorable/unfavorable. Lastly, there is no significant relationship between the assessment system and the learning behaviors. Thus, assessment systems in the old normal education are still applicable in the new normal education. The learning behavior projects internal motivation and is challenged on competence and skills- related behaviors. 






How to Cite

ANDRES, A. (2024). Teachers’ Use of Assessment Methods and Kindergarten Pupils’ Learning Behavior in the New Normal. Azal Arts and Humanities , 1(1), 43–64. https://doi.org/10.55687/aah.v1i1.66