Probing the Constructs of Technology Skill Certification (TSC) on Selected HR Functions
This study was conducted to determine the constructs of Technology Skills Certification (TSC) in the selected Hiring and HR processes using the variables: recruitment, selection, performance evaluation, productivity, and retention. This study used a descriptive quantitative design. Frequency and modal distributions were used to measure the most frequent occurrences of the responses. Kruskal Wallis was used to determine whether the respondents' perceptions were the same in a given group. At the same time, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied in the study because the data measurement level is ordinal and dependent on the respondents' perceptions. Lastly, factor rating was used to rank the indicators from the highest to lowest in the HR processes. The study found that IT skills are best emphasized in the performance evaluation regardless of the type of TSC acquired. The productivity output is best measured with the help of TSC and provides a sense of security and confidence along with the observed increased marketability of a worker. The various IT specializations identified from the research may help human resource practitioners, academic sectors offering IT programs, and IT-based companies as primary beneficiaries of this study. Lastly, the analysis concluded that using TSC in the recruitment and selection process can provide reform and eventually match the industry needs of the labor force and validate the IT skills among the applicants.
Keywords: Information Technology, Certifications, Recruitment, Selection,
Performance Evaluation, Productivity, Retention, Human Resource